Monday, July 26, 2010

Little Uno and Big Deux!

This weekend was the Little Uno and the Big Deuce, 1 and 2 mile open water races put on by the FS series. My mom was in town for the weekend, and to avoid any family feuding, I opted to do the 2 mi, while she did the 1 mi.

My mama and Matt Davis before the 1 mi

The course was well marked and the field spread out quickly. I tried to draft off of my fast friend Kevin, but he didn't like that very much. So, in a very brilliant maneuver, he slowed down his own pace so he could draft off of me! That makes A LOT of sense. Of course, he could have pulled ahead easily, had he been willing to take the lead himself. But THAT would have been no fun! And truthfully, I really don't like swimming by myself, so I was happy for the company. Until, of course, Kevin and the superfast, crooked swimming overall winner took off at the end.

I ended up winning the women's race for the 2 mi and my mom won the women's 1 mi. Go Rices!
Me, looking scary after the Big Deux

I wasn't the only menacing creature looming in the lake this weekend.

::insert Halloween music::

While the scary music is playing, let's flash back to the Jordan Lake 1 mile swim, last month:

Here, my fast friend Kevin (the tall dude in the white cap) out-muscles a fiesty 13-yr-old (the little dude in the white cap) at the end of the 1 mi race.

Guess who took his revenge in the Little Uno? Guess who was the only one to beat my mama, whose accomplishments include swimming the 12.5 miles around Key West butterfly and being one of the fastest women to ever swim the English Channel?

This pint sized bad ass! The same pint sized bad ass who gave Kevin a run for his money at the Jordan Lake swim. Why don't you pick on someone your own size, son??

In other race news, my kickboxing friend Lizzie swam her 1st ever open water race AND won her age group. Way to go!

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